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An easily pumpable high-density fluid which reduces the quantity of materials and time required to deliver ballast in comparison to conventional liquid or solid based ballast options.

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Benefits of LiquiDense:

Increased density versus concrete, sand and steel
Reduced material requirements
Liquid buoyancy that utilises commonly available pumping equipment
Easier handling capabilities than solids
Space saving offshore in the form of a concentrate
Simplified removal after lifetime of structure
Solid material can be separated and recycled after decommissioning

How LiquiDense works

LiquiDense is a highly dense non-hazardous liquid that can be pumped into any structure or container to provide improved ballast weight. When compared to conventional solutions, this product can reduce the material volume required by over 50% for an equivalent ballast weight.

Unlike concrete-based ballast, LiquiDense does not form a solid material with compressive strength characteristics, which can be extremely beneficial in both the subsequent removal and control of structural trim/ballast.

LiquiDense can be supplied either as a concentrate for offshore requirements or a pre-manufactured liquid with a density of 3,000 kg/m3. It can be mixed and pumped using readily available standard offshore equipment.

Current challenges you may face:

  • Large footprint or volume of ballast structures
  • Long concrete fabrication times
  • Difficulties in removing the ballast during decommissioning

How LiquiDense can help:

  • Reduces the footprint or volume of ballasting structure
  • Reduces material requirements for transport and installation
  • Reasonable material lead times as no curing or structure fabrication
  • Improves ease of structure decommissioning versus concrete


Get in touch with tour team of experts who'll be able to:

  • Discuss your requirements, and provide advice or guidance
  • Provide you with more information about LiquiDense
  • Answer any questions you may have about LiquiDense
  • Develop a customised solution for your company

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